Coach 5063 Computer Style Progressive

Coach brings the same modern sophistication of their handbag brand to their eyewear and sunglasses. Glamorous and modern, there is a satisfaction in knowing the look is flawless and timeless. Women love finding their favorite handbag logos on the temples arms,such as the kissing C's and lozenge logo plaque. The colors of the frames mirror the color palette of the entire Coach accessory collection. And the interior finishing details will delight the most discerning loyal Coach fan. It's exactly what you expect.
Anti-Reflective Computer Lenses
Computer Lenses, sometimes referred to as Office or Occupational Lenses, make it easy for your eyes to move back and forth between near vision tasks like computer work and reading printed material.

Computer lenses are a specialty type of progressive lens designed for today's world. Like any progressive lenses, they eliminate the need for multiple pairs of glasses. But more important, they give your eyes the focal length they need as they need it, greatly reducing eye strain.

1. Select your normal reading magnification power and the lens will do the rest. The upper portion of these lenses allow for intermediate range viewing, perfect for computer, not to mention tasks like, cooking, sewing, following sheet music, drafting or reading blueprints, and many more uses.

2. As you lower your focus to the bottom portion of the lens, the lens acts like any reading lens, making it easy to read cellphone screens, pill bottles, newspapers, or the latest best sellers. The included high quality Anti-Reflective Coating reduces eye strain even more, allowing you to enjoy your work and hobbies.